Feeling Down

Feeling down right now...I hate that usually the first thing I want to do when I feel like this is go buy food. I don't even consciously think, "if I go out to eat, I'll feel better". I was sitting here moping and all of a sudden vegetarian sushi sounded soooo good. But I don't have money to spend. And I don't want to have to buy something to make me feel better. So, I'm distracting myself by blogging about it and hoping that by the time I am done with this entry, I will crave something that we already have in the house.

....Nope, I don't crave something else, but have let myself realize that it is much more practical to stay home. Each time I can pull in the reins a little, I can learn how to better deal with my stress and emotions.
Plus, I'm soothing myself with the thought that I get to go grocery shopping later today or tomorrow and I can buy food to make yummy recipes then!


L.L. Barkat said...

Hi there. Thanks for adding your voice over at Love Notes to Yahweh. How sweet to discover that you have been there meditating and saying your silent amens for a while. :)

I'm sorry you are (were?) feeling down. Sometimes when I am down I like to ask of it, "What are you trying to show me?" Sometimes I just revel in a good cry. Naps are good. I see that your companion is a good snack... :)