A Diva Cup! I finally decided to buy one and try it out. The fact that it is reusable is great, but what really made me decide to buy one was my monthly trip to the health food store to buy organic, chlorine free, applicator free tampons. I realized that 4 boxes of those cost the same amount as one Diva Cup that can last me for one full year. I would spend about $90 a year for tampons but only $30 a year for the Diva Cup...not bad at all!
I'm sure many of you have heard about the Diva Cup, I've seen it all over blogdom, but for those of you who don't know, I'll fill you in!

Diva Cup is a small silicone cup that you wear during menstruation. It doesn't need to be pushed into the vaginal tube as far as a regular tampon, which is nice, and it holds all of your menstruation fluid, etc. You empty the cup every 8 to 12 hours depending on your flow. If you have any questions about how to clean the Diva Cup, and how to clean while you are out and about, check out their website.
I started using the Diva Cup yesterday afternoon and I haven't had any problems yet! No leaks, though I have been wearing a pantyliner just to make sure, until I feel more comfortable that I have it in correctly. I have not really had any discomfort but I did have to trim the stem about 1/4", according the tips included in the directions. It also comes with a great little pouch to hold your Diva Cup while you are not using it and little lapel pin! Also, be sure you check and make sure you are buying the right size, the box will give you directions.
Any other Diva lovers out there??
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