I will be participating in The James Challenge, and I'm so excited! For quite a while I've pondered on the benefits of memorizing scripture, but haven't dedicated very much time to the practice.
My goal is to memorize James 1 in the next 9 weeks. At that point I will decide whether to continue or not. I've memorized verse 1 today.
James 1:1 NASB
James, a bond-servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, To the twelve tribes who are dispersed abroad: Greetings.
I will be using a method used by John Piper, from his book, When I Don't Desire God. Sara from Walk Slowly, Live Wildly mentioned this method in her post. You read the scripture 10 times, then you repeat it from memory 10 times (peeking if you need to). You add the previously learned scripture to your new scripture daily.
Go by the Walk Slowly, Live Wildly blog if you are interested in taking part of this challenge with a community of others. She has created a Yahoo group to host discussion.
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