

Origin & History
* circa 1300
* from old French corage
* from Latin cor or heart
* a common metaphor for inner strength

Definition - World English Dictionary
1. the power or quality of dealing with or facing danger, fear, pain, etc.
2. the confidence to act in accordance with one's beliefs
3. to nerve oneself to perform an action

Synonyms: fearlessness, spirit, dauntlessness, pluck

"...give me the courage, to be what I am." - Johnny Cash, The Gospel Road movie (sung as Jesus carries his cross)

Courage for me, as opposed to sullenness, is being willing to share who I am more openly, to not allow depression to creep back into my life, to be less passive (and more action oriented).

I'm sure there will be many more ways that this will unfold throughout the year. I'm actually feeling less excited about my word. It really will cause me to step out of my comfort zone. And yet I know that once I do, there will be some good things unlocked inside of me.

Happy new year's day!

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My Word for 2012 - Courage

Inspired by Mandy Steward at Messy Canvas, I thought and prayed and realized that I do have a word for 2012.  My word really did pick me.  I tried to run away from my word. I gave myself other suggestions but as I began to research my word, I realized I should embrace it.  The (not) ironic part about my word is that I don't really like the idea of sharing it with people.

That amazing Spirit spoke to me, told me my word is courage, and that I'm sullen and too thoughtful (to the point of not acting) and that I should "go for it".  If I'm sullen, it made me wonder if my word should be "joy". This really didn't make sense to me, so I began to search the words sullen and courage online and found a few things that opened my eyes to my current state of being.  For me cowardly is not the opposite of courage... sullen is my opposite, in a figurative sense.

I found this excerpt written by James Matthew Barrie, written around 1922 (emphasis mine):
In so far as this attitude of yours is merely passive, sullen, negative, as it mainly is, despairing of our capacity and anticipating a future of gloom, it is no game for a man or woman.  It is certainly the opposite of that for which I plead. Do not stand aloof, despising, disbelieving...  we have shown a good deal of courage; and your part is to add a greater courage to it.  There are glorious years lying ahead of you if you choose to make them glorious.  God's in His heaven still.
This was my first clue as to how sullenness relates to courage. I was then reminded of Fiona Apple and her song, Sullen Girl. The first verse does reflect me in ways right now.
Days like this, I don't know what do do with myself
All day and all night
I wander the halls along the walls and under my breath
I say to myself
I need fuel to take flight
Sullen from the World English Dictionary
  1. unwilling to talk or be sociable, sulky, morose
  2. (literary) sluggish
Synonyms: glum, cheerless

Wow, how all of these describe me.  So long, 2011.

Grad School

My husband just found out he got accepted to his top choice for music composition! This means we will be moving out of the state, at least by June or July! So many plans to make and much prayer ahead =)

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Test Blog

1 2, 1 2

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Convoy of Hope - Haiti

In case any of you are considering a monetary way to help Haiti, I recommend Convoy of Hope as one of your options. Convoy of Hope has been working with Haitians for quite some time and were able to immediately disseminate 50,000 meals after the earthquake, along with water and medicine. Water purification units are also being implemented.

Like many of you, I'm not in the place to make a sizable donation. I encourage you to consider making a small donation to your charity of choice on a monthly basis for a set amount of months. I will be making a small donation to Convoy of Hope for the next 10 months. I think that spreading out my donation will also help me to remember to keep the people of Haiti in my prayers and remember that there is much work to be done after the shock of this disaster has worn off a bit.

Keep Haiti in your prayers and I hope all is well with you and yours!

2010 An Intentional Life

I have had a lot on my mind the past few much so that I've defaulted to not doing all I should be doing to take care of myself and keep my life running smoothly. I saw someone had created a vision board on a blog that I read and I remembered that I made one last year that helped me keep a little least for the first part of 2009! (Scrapblog is a wonderful tool for a dream/vision board.)

I realize more and more that we have to create our lives. I do trust God in that process but I can't sit and wait. I have to actively be who I want to be. Laziness and lack of motivation is a constant battle for me. I know I could be worse (I do have my bursts of productivity) but I don't like the inconsistency. I want to be more consistent, if even in the smallest of ways.

I'm ready for a little change!

Giveaway at Walk Slowly, Live Wildly!

Wow, I haven't blogged in forever....but there is a really awesome giveaway going on at Walk Slowly, Live Wildly.

She is giving away two prizes sewn by these two beautiful mama's: Indigo Inspired & One Love Creations.

Two winners will be chosen on December 21st!