Fruit and Veggies.

A few things have changed since last year concerning what I eat (see posts below). I still have my off days but I also feel like I've made some good attempts at eating more healthfully.

One thing I had trouble with last year was getting enough fruits in my diet. Now that I have been introduced to green smoothies for several months now, I get a lot MORE fruits in my diet! For a while I was drinking a green smoothie daily, for about 35 to 40 days straight. Now, I have about 3 a week, but I would like to get back to having one daily.

I enjoyed the smoothies so much that I purchased a Vita-Mix, and I love it!I have been trying to focus on making more meals and using less processed foods. With school out for the summer, this has been much easier.

I also ate about 90% raw for two weeks in a row. I actually really did enjoy the foods and preparing the foods with my hands, but I really need to get a dehydrator and food processor before I move any further in that direction. I know there are many who eat predominately raw without the dehydrator but I really crave things like flax breads and sandwich patties.

My goal this summer was to really incorporate more raw but before I get myself more educated on eating healthfully on a raw diet, I need to work on some other things at the moment, like getting rid of fleas, giving away and throwing away extra 'stuff' and my online class. I'm just glad to be cooking more and not relying so much on processed foods!


Anonymous said...

Before getting the dehydrator, I would read The 80/10/10 diet. It may change your mind.

Star in the Universe said...

You know, I did buy the 80-10-10 book about a year ago and I still haven't gotten around to reading it all. As of know I'm not interested in that form of raw, but who knows, maybe after finishing the book, my mind will change!