Origin & History
* circa 1300
* from old French corage
* from Latin cor or heart
* a common metaphor for inner strength
Definition - World English Dictionary
1. the power or quality of dealing with or facing danger, fear, pain, etc.
2. the confidence to act in accordance with one's beliefs
3. to nerve oneself to perform an action
Synonyms: fearlessness, spirit, dauntlessness, pluck
"...give me the courage, to be what I am." - Johnny Cash, The Gospel Road movie (sung as Jesus carries his cross)
Courage for me, as opposed to sullenness, is being willing to share who I am more openly, to not allow depression to creep back into my life, to be less passive (and more action oriented).
I'm sure there will be many more ways that this will unfold throughout the year. I'm actually feeling less excited about my word. It really will cause me to step out of my comfort zone. And yet I know that once I do, there will be some good things unlocked inside of me.
Happy new year's day!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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