I am truly being blessed through this series with Nancy Leigh DeMoss. I thought that we would only be using her teaching for the first 10 days, but it looks like this whole True Woman Make-Over is a project of Revive Our Hearts, which is Nancy Leigh DeMoss' ministry to women.
Even though I am outside of the home for over 60 hours a week, I have found that I do have time to serve God within in my home. Simply being appreciative of what I have been blessed with and praying God will help me to be the wife that my husband needs has gone a long way.
It has helped my husband immensely during a rough time in his life, just by me giving more to him. He has done sooo much for me this week to show his appreciation, like doing more household work since I am out of the house so often. Not that he never did chores, but he is more willing to help, since I am doing more in keeping the house nice. Praise the Lord!
Tonight I will listen to today's teaching from her series "The Attractive Christian Woman: Women in the Church".
1 Timothy 2:9-10 {NASB}
9 Likewise, I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing, modestly and discreetly, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly garments,
10 but rather by means of good works, as is proper for women making a claim to godliness.
I am interested to hear what she has to say about this as I never really took this verse exactly literal, especially concerning the braided hair.
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